31 Jul

The challenges of being a caterer:


It’s the age old problem, as with many businesses, Time is always on your back, knowing that food has to be made and delivered before 12pm every day, may seem like no problem at all from the outside observer,

However, with a small team, we generally cater for around 200 people every day, all working as hard as they can, and trying to give the very best standards possible,

That 12pm delivery time, has to be always in our minds, for delivery around that time, the drivers are all out on their delivery runs for 10am, this may seem early, but when you consider we cover the whole of Birmingham, the second biggest city in the country, and can be dragged in all directions for a sale, being early is always better than being late.

Production on the lunches will start at 3am, with deliveries for breakfast being made and delivered through the morning and our deadline looming always, it takes careful planning and execution to make this business work.

To cap it all off, there is a monster amount of paper work involved, from invoices, labels, delivery sheets, to temperature records and budgets, all crammed into a day that generally ends when the delivery drivers return from their respective runs, 1:30pm.


When training staff, patients is always the key to getting the staff member ready and able to help achieve the needs of the business, all employees are different, and will take differing amounts of time to learn new skills involve in the catering business.  What takes one person a day to learn may take the person standing next to them three weeks to get it write.

Problem solving and initiative

At Trenchers we like solving our customers problems, be it a call at 11:30am needed a lunch delivered for 12pm, or a bespoke menu just for that customer, due to their special requirements.   With over 15 years’ experience you can rely on us to always delver a great service.
